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Continuing training for circus arts teachers: Planning, facilitating and evaluating

2017 | INTENTS Project

Pedagogical manuals

This publication comes from the work of researchers specialised in Educational Sciences and Sociology of the Centre d’Études et de Recherches sur les Emplois et les Professionnalisations (CEREP) from the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne.

It was born out of the FEDEC's desire to equip school directors and pedagogical directors with a tool enabling them to provide their teachers an offer of training and professional development in line with the evolutions of the profession of circus arts teacher in a professional circus school and adaptable to its local, national or international context.

What can we find in this manual?

The first part of this guide recalls the context and the reasons for its creation: it gives keys of understanding the stakes related to this guide and specify who the main recipients of this tool are.

The second part defines the educational foundations of the INTENTS training sessions, which are real experiments of training environments. They are designed to serve as reference for the training courses to come.

Finally, the third part introduces the proposals regarding the planning, the facilitating and evaluation of training schemes. These proposals deal with the two main categories of training set up ("intra" formations, within schools, on the one hand, and "inter" formations, bringing together teachers from different schools, on a regional, national or international level, on the other hand).

A publication by FFEC in collaboration with FEDEC in the context of the INTENTS project (2014-2017). Lead editors for FFEC: Annie Gysbers, President, and Alain Taillard, Director// Lead editors for FEDEC : Stéphane Simonin, President, and Danijela Jović, General Coordinator // Proofreading Amandine André, Gaëlle Le Breton, Nicolas Lefebvre, Joanne Sharpe // English translation: Joanne Sharpe // Graphic design: Signélazer // Layout: Amandine André and Gaëlle Le Breton.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.