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Podcast: Discrimination & Harassment in Arts Education

2020 | Petra Van Brabant (Arts Engagement), Radio ArtEZ (NLD)

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This podcast episode is dedicated to higher arts education. Although female students dominate the art schools in the Netherlands it is startling to realize that the art-world continues to be male dominated. And even though art schools should offer safe and challenging spaces, sexist and racist mechanisms are still at play today.

It features Petra Van Brabandt who offers a passionate and razor-sharp argument about the challenges that art education faces and the pitfalls it comes across.

This episode is part of the miniseries based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts (January 2020) and dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, Women of Colour, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world.

Listen to the podcast

🎧 Listen to the podcast here

Learn more

👉 Visit Engagement Arts website

👉 Read the research "Racism and sexism in art education: a subjective mapping"