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Fédération Française des Ecoles de Cirque

Partner member

The mission of the Fédération Française des Écoles de Cirque is to structure, promote and qualify the teaching of circus arts.

It awards quality accreditation to schools that meet demanding specifications in terms of pedagogy, health, safety, training and administration. Through these commitments, the schools guarantee their students and partners quality teaching "with respect for the individual", and the sustainability of their activities.

It is the reference contact for the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of National Education and Youth and Sports. It is notably involved in the introduction of specific circus arts management qualifications: the TIAC (Titre d'Initiateur aux Arts du Cirque), the BISAC (Brevet d'Initiateur Spécialisé en Arts du Cirque), the BPJEPS (Brevet Professionnel de la Jeunesse, de l'Education Populaire et des Sports, specializing in circus activities) and, more recently, the DE (Diplôme d'Etat professeur de cirque).

Alongside other partners in the sector (professional unions, associations of venues and companies, etc.), it contributes to the reflection and structuring of the circus arts in France. As a resource center, it mobilizes the technical, pedagogical, legal and administrative skills of its network, and develops editorial publications (collection relating to the history of the circus: "Traces", "À l'école de la piste", "Cirque en classe" and "Éloge de la pensée divergente").

FFEC is one of the founding members of EYCO (European Youth Circus Organisation), which is made up of 12 national leisure circus federations. EYCO brings together 350 organizations, including some 2,000 circus teachers and 550,000 enthusiasts.

  • © Ian Grandjean - FFEC
  • © Ian Grandjean - FFEC


  • European Youth Circus Organisation (EYCO)
  • Syndicat du Cirque de Création (SCC)
  • Groupement National des Arts du Cirque (GNAC)
  • Conseil National des Employeurs d’Avenir (CNEA)


  • 12 regional federations,
  • 111 accredited schools,
  • 8 vocational training centers,
  • 25 000 graduates
  • 300 000 practitioners
  • © Ian Grandjean - FFEC

Learn more about this member


  • President: Florent Fodella
  • General administrator: Raphaël Vigier


Fédération Française des Ecoles de Cirque – FFEC
13 rue Marceau
93100 Montreuil

Founded in 1988